Évolution du trait de côte français (BRGM, 2003) - [Ligne]
Représentation linéaire permettant d'observer l'évolution du trait de côte français. Les données sont issues du projet EUROSION, 2003.
La table attributaire est composée de 16 champs :
- cesgcd : Coastal Erosion SeGment CoDe. This is a unique code for every coastal segment. It consists of the ISO country code followed by a sequential number per country.
- cesgln : Coastal Erosion SeGment LeNgth. Length of the segment in meters. This attribute only has an added value if the final database is in a lat/long coordinate system. If the final database is in a projected coordinate system where the units are meters, this field contains the same information as the required ArcGIS field ShapeLength.
- nurgcdv : NUTS ReGion Code Version 7. Identification of NUTS administrative regions on level 3 (NUTS version 7), to which coastal segment belongs.
- cemov1 : Coastal Erosion MOrpho-sedimentological code Version 1. It is the Morpho-Sedimentology code according to the nomenclature provided in table CEMO.INF.
- cemov2 : Coastal Erosion MOrpho-sedimentological code Version 2. Coastal Erosion MOrpho-sedimentological code in Coastal Erosion Layer (CEL) database – version 2. It is the Morpho-Sedimentology code according to the nomenclature provided in table CEMO.INF.
- ceevv1 : Coastal Erosion EVolutionary trend Version 1. Coastal Erosion EVolutionary trend from Corine Coastal Erosion (CCEr) database version 1. It is the evolutionary trend code according to the nomenclature provided in table CEEV.INF.
- ceevv2 : Coastal Erosion EVolutionary trend Version 2. Coast Erosion EVolutionary trend in Coastal Erosion Layer (CEL) database – version 2. It is the evolutionary trend code according to the nomenclature provided in table CEEV.INF.
- cegov2 : Coastal Erosion GeOlogical code. Coastal Erosion GeOlogical code in Coastal Erosion Layer (CEL) database – version 2. It is the geological code according to the nomenclature provided in table CEGO.INF. The nomenclature includes 36 different items within 3 levels of increasing details depending on available knowledge. These 3 levels allow representation of more or less detailed knowledge. The most detailed class code should be attached to each coastal segment when possible.
- cedwv1 : Coastal Erosion Defense Works Version 1. Coastal Erosion Defense Works in Corine Coastal Erosion (CCEr) database version 1. Indication of presence of man-made defensive structures. The content of this attribute is documented in table CEDW.INF.
- cedwv2 : Coastal Erosion Defense Works Version 2. Coastal Erosion Defense Works in Coastal Erosion Layer (CEL) database – version 2. Indication of presence of man-made defensive structures. The content of this attribute is documented in table CEDW.INF.
- cedc :Coastal Erosion Data Change. Indication of change in values between CCEr database (version 1) and CEL (version 2).
- covered :
- Date (Creation)
- 2003-01-01
- Citation identifier
- phy_atl_omon_trait_cote_evolution_brgm_ln_4258
- Credit
- Status
- Completed
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role BRGM
Author Office français de la biodiversité
Pôle géomatique
Owner Office français de la biodiversité
ODION Mélanie
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Unknown
- Update scope
- Attribute
- Update scope
- Feature
- Theme
Trait de cote
Evolution du trait de côte
- Place
INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary
- Use limitation
Utilisation interdite pour un usage commercial. Modification et diffusion soumise à accord du distributeur.
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- Intellectual property rights
- Other constraints
Citation obligatoire sur les cartes de la référence suivante : "BRGM, 2003"
- Other constraints
Citation obligatoire dans la bibliographie de la référence suivante : "BRGM, 2003"
- Use limitation
Conditions inconnues
- Denominator
- 100000
- Language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Description
France + Outre Mer
- Supplemental Information
Liste des champs et description
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:4258
- Number of dimensions
- 2
- Cell geometry
- Area
- Transformation parameter availability
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Office français de la biodiversité
Pôle géomatique
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
https://ofb.gouv.fr/ Office français de la biodiversité
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Domain consistency
Conformance result
- Title
INSPIRE Implementing rules
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-08-11
- Citation identifier
- INSPIRE / -- identifiant de la spécification --
- Explanation
Non évalué
- Pass
- Yes
Thematic classification correctness
- Statement
Plusieurs événements peuvent être détaillés plus bas (respecter la chronologie)
- Description
1/ ETAPE 1 : détailler
- Processor
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Processor
- Description
2/ ETAPE 2 : détailler
- Processor
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Processor
- Description
3/ ETAPE 3 : détailler
- Processor
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Processor
- File identifier
- d2ff6be6-c0a8-4163-9d4c-5fc9d6d1f51e XML
- Metadata language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
Collection de données
- Date stamp
- 2021-09-30T07:25:02Z
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115-3:2018
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Office français de la biodiversité
Délégation de façade Atlantique - Pôle géomatique
Point of contact