Mapping Slipper-shell Limpet Distribution in Mont-Saint-Michel Bay. Status 2003-2004.
Map of the distribution of the slipper-shell limpet population (Crepidula fornicata) in Mont Saint-Michel bay, by Blanchard et al. (2004).
- Alternate title
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2004-06-01T00:00:00
- Date (Publication)
- 2006-03-01T00:00:00
- Edition
Version 1
- Edition date
- 2006-03-01T00:00:00
- Citation identifier
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Collective title
Références de la carte dans l'ouvrage où elle a été éditée : "Blanchard M., Clabaut P., Abernot-Le Gac C., 2006, Cartographie de la crépidule en baie du mont Saint-Michel, en 2003-2004. Ifremer." in Blanchard M., Clabaut P., Abernot-Le Gac C., 2006, Cartographie et évaluation du stock de crépidules en baie du mont Saint-Michel, en 2004, Ifremer-RST-DYNECO/EB/06-01, 34 p.
- Purpose
Data was collected in the context of the PNEC programme (National Programme for the Coastal Environment) in Mont Saint-Michel bay. The programme ran from 2001 to 2006 and had two objectives:
- to quantify and model the trophic capacity of Mont Saint-Michel bay ; notably by mapping the geographical distribution of the principal species, including filter-feeders.
- to analyse the bay’s capacity for resilience in order to anticipate the effects of potential disturbances, be they natural or man-made. The slipper-shell limpet is the object of this study thanks to its status as a prolific, accidentally-introduced species.
This data is used to update that which was obtained using similar methods between Cape Frehel and Mont Saint-Michel in 1995-1996 by Blanchard & Houlgatte (Blanchard & Houlgatte, 1997, Carte de distribution de la crépidule de Saint-Malo à la baie du Mont Saint-Michel en 1996) and that obtained in a wider area (from Mont Saint-Michel Bay to south Chausey) by Blanchard & Ehrhold (1999) through the synthesis of different works (Blanchard & Ehrhold, 1999, Répartition des biocénoses de crépidules sur la base de l'échantillonnage sédimentaire et de leurs échos acoustiques).
- Credit
- Status
- Completed
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Ifremer
Principal investigator Ifremer
Resource provider Consulting Geologist
Processor GENAVIR
André LE BOT
Processor Ifremer
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- Resource format
Name Version ESRI Shapefile
ArcGIS 9.x
Thèmes Sextant
/Biological Environment/Species/Undesirable Proliferating Species
- Theme
Slipper-shell limpet
Side-scan sonar
- Place
Lower Normandy
Golfe normano-Breton
Bay of Mont Saint-Michel
- Discipline
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Species distribution
DCSMM : Descripteurs
D1: Biodiversity
D2: Non-indigenous species
DCSMM : Méthodes de recueil des données
Observation en plein
Observation par point
Observation directe
Sous-regions marines
Channel-North Sea
Cadre Réglementaire - SIMM
Directive Cadre pour la Planification de l'Espace Maritime (DCPEM)
Directive Cadre Stratégie pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM)
Thématiques - SIMM
/Etat du Milieu/Espèces
- Use limitation
Data use prohibited for commercial purposes
- Use limitation
Modification and distribution of raw data prohibited without express written permission from the distributor.
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Compulsory reference to be cited on maps :
"Blanchard M., Clabaut P., Abernot-Le Gac C., 2006. Cartographie de la crépidule en baie du mont Saint-Michel, en 2003-2004. Ifremer."
- Other constraints
Compulsory reference to be cited in bibliographies:
"Blanchard M., Clabaut P., Abernot-Le Gac C., 2006. Cartographie de la crépidule en baie du mont Saint-Michel, en 2003-2004. Ifremer." in Blanchard M., Clabaut P., Abernot-Le Gac C., 2006, Cartographie et évaluation du stock de crépidules en baie du mont Saint-Michel, en 2004, Ifremer-RST DYNECO/EB/06-01, 34 p.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 25000
- Language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Biota
- Elevation
- Environment
- Description
Period of acquisition of the sources data
- Begin date
- 2003-05-09T15:18:00
- End date
- 2004-05-25T15:18:00
- Supplemental Information
This prolific species was accidentally introduced in the Mont Saint-Michel bay thirty years ago and has been the subject of a systematic survey within the framework of the PNEC programme (National Programme for the Coastal Environment) in Mont Saint-Michel bay in order to update pre-existing data.
This survey was conducted in 2003-2004 in Mont Saint-Michel bay in the strictest sense (that is to say south of a line joining the Pointe de Grouin and the Pointe de Champeaux) and in an area including the sand dunes at Cotentin (known for having been colonised for ten years).
Data is presented in the form of polygons depicting percentage of coverage of slipper-shells on the sediment.
- Reference system identifier
- 4326
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Surface
- Geometric object count
- 53
- Distributor contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Distributor
- Distributor format
Name Version
- OnLine resource
Protocol Linkage Name OGC:WMS IFR_CREPIDULE2004_MSM_P
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
La donnée provient de sources diverses qui ont permis de réaliser deux cartes papier au 1/25000 de la répartition des crépidules et de la nature sédimentaire des fonds marins qu'elles occupent entre le Cap Frehel et le Mont Saint-Michel : campagnes à la mer de 1993-1996 (sonar à balayage latéral, vidéo, drague, bennes, prélèvements par quadrats en plongée) et validation sur l'estran. Cette donnée correspond à la carte allant de la Pointe de la Varde au Mont Saint-Michel numérisée.
- Description
Two areas were explored : the Mont Saint-Michel bay in the strictest sense south of a line joining the Pointe de Grouin and the Pointe de Champeaux and in an area including the sand dunes at Cotentin known for having been colonised for ten years. Data was acquired during three campaigns at sea. The methods used, common to the three campaigns, were: differential GPS positioning, side-scan sonar (Edgetech – DF1000), underwater video (towed and georeferenced) and sampling (0.25 m²) by diving in shallow water or with Hamon grabs in deeper water. The details of the campaigns are as follows: Sonarmont campaign 2 (date : 9 to 15/05/2003, sector : [1° 39'W ; 1°50,5'W ;48°38,5'N ; 48°44'N], 95 sonar profiles, 1 video profile and 20 diving stations), Sonarmont campaign 1 (date: 17 to 22/05/2003, sector 1 : [1°38,5'W ; 1°43'W ; 48°42'N ; 48°44'],Cotentin sector : between 48°45N and the latitude at Granville], 39 sonar profiles , 14 video profiles and 22 grab stations) and Areval Campaign (date: 19 to 25/05/204, sector [centre of the bay to the north of the area taken during 2003, with additional measurements in Cancale bay], 46 sonar profiles , 9 video profiles and 21 grab stations).
- Description
Distribution of the slipper-shell limpet population features on sonar bands divided, according to their appearance, into five classes of coverage rates of the limpets on sediment: : 0% (undetected), 1 to 20 % (sparse groups or chains), 20 to 40 % (small clusters or strips), 40 to 70 % (dense patches) and 70 to 100
% (more or less uniform coverage).
- Description
Video images, analysed using "Vidéonav" software, made it possible to verify and to calibrate the sonar results by cross-checking certain profiles. The samples were taken either by diving (by quadrant), or by Hamon grab (with three 0.25 m² replicas) in order to quantify biomasses, by this information does not feature in the data.
- Description
These sonar bands were then digitised using ArcGIS 9.x software. Certain areas were not covered by side-scan sonar; raw mapping was the subject of interpolations in order to achieve a comprehensive map of the areas studied.
- Description
The data has been validated in geometric and attributory terms according to a protocol defined for the marine GIS for Mont Saint-Michel bay and using ArcGIS 9.2. The following operations were conducted: reorganisation of field names, transformation of entities with multiple parts into one single entity (using ArcToolbox), using the topological correction tool ArcInfo in order to eliminate errors of discontinuity and overlap. Combination of two layers (the areas of Granville and Mont Saint-Michel bay).
Content Information
Content Information
- File identifier
- a2fc7cd0-8d48-11dc-a3ca-000086f6a62e XML
- Metadata language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Date stamp
- 2020-06-03T23:18:07
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115:2003/19139 - SEXTANT
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role Ifremer
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English French UTF8