Visual Observations on the Dedicated Aerial Platform 4. Analyses, occurrence rate (observation), 40 km mesh – Marine Mammals PACOMM/SAMM1
Occurrence rate by observation number for 100km of effort in each 40km mesh in the French mainland EZE in the winter of 2011/2012 and the summer of 2012.
Description of the attribute table: survey : campaign
Type: observation type
Mesh: mesh size in kilometers
_no_maille : mesh number
The following fields correspond to the calculation of the occurrence rate for the observation number for 1000km of effort for each species or group of species :
- [marsouin] common porpoise
- [grdDauph] bottlenose dolphin
- [lagenor] White-beaked dolphin
- [pttDelph] : common dolphin and Striped dolphin
- [globiceph] : Long-finned pilot whale + Risso's dolphin
- [cakobab] : Sperm whale+ kogias + Beaked whales
- [balenopt] : Fin whale + Minke whale + blue whale
- [phoque] seal (grey + harbour)
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2014-12-04
- Citation identifier
- FR_19170032700015_2670_PELAGIS_2014_4_ANA_TXOBS_40_MM_OVIPA_SAMM1
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire Pelagis
Vincent, RIDOUX
Point of contact
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Purpose
Produire un état des lieux de la distribution spatiale et de l'abondance de ces espèces et d’en évaluer la variabilité spatiale et temporelle afin d'alimenter une réflexion commune pour la désignation et gestion d’aires marines protégées.
- Credit
To draw up an inventory of the spatial distribution and abundance of these species, and to evaluate their spatial and temporal variability in order to provide the information necessary for a shared discussion on how to designate and manage marine protected areas.
- Status
- Under development
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Originator UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Author UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Distributor UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Publisher UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Processor UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Resource provider UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Custodian UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Owner UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Principal investigator UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact AAMP
Owner AAMP
- Maintenance and update frequency
- As needed
- Resource format
Name Version ESRI Shapefile
- Theme
Encounter rate
Sea mammal
- Place
English Channel
Bay of Biscay
- Discipline
Natura 2000 en mer
Habitat directive
Bird directive
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Species distribution
Thèmes Sextant
/Biological Environment/Species/Fauna
Thématiques - SIMM
/Environmental Status/Species
Cadre Réglementaire - SIMM
Habitats Directive (HD)
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Sous-regions marines
/Metropolitan France
/Metropolitan France/Celtic Seas
/Metropolitan France/Channel-North Sea
/Metropolitan France/Western Mediterranean
/Metropolitan France/Bay of Biscay
DCSMM : Descripteurs
D1: Deep-sea benthic habitats
D10: Marine Litter
Ocean Hackathon - Ville et défi
/La Rochelle
/La Rochelle/LAR03
/La Rochelle/LAR02
- Specific usage
Presence at sea Distribution at sea
Definition of the abundance and distribution of marine mammals
Geostatic modelling
Modelling preferred habitats
Natura 2000 en mer
Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Interaction with human activity
- User determined limitations
Toutes les observations n'ont de valeur quantitative que lorsqu'elles sont associées à l'effort d'observation exercé (nb d'observation/ temps d'observation)
- User contact info
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Emeline PETTEX
Principal investigator UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact
- Use limitation
Noncommercial use only on the condition that the source is cited in all publications (citing at least the name of the producer) along with the date of the latest update.
- Use limitation
Noncommercial use only on the condition that the source is cited in all publications (citing at least the name of the producer) along with the date of the latest update.
Occurrence data attests to the presence of species (not their true distribution), rather than their absence as they are not corrected for observation effort. All interpretation without prior analysis and beyond the limitations mentioned should be treated with caution.
The elementary data exchanged is public (species, position, date, campaign name) and open access. It is accessible on the UMS 3462 site which is currently under construction, or directly from the PELAGIS catalogue (Sextant)
Use of the dataset as a whole (observation parameters and associated efforts) will be the subject of a request made to the PELAGIS observatory and must respect the Observatory’s data usage charter.
Attention! The observations only have quantitative value when they are associated with an observation effort exerted on a specific transect (number of observations/observation time).
There is no "raw" data insomuch as the present data has been validated and corrected from a technical and scientific perspective.
- Access constraints
- Intellectual property rights
- Use constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Mandatory citation "Observatoire PELAGIS, UMS 3462 PELAGIS – AAMP Observatory, ”database name'"
Users must make contact with the data providers prior to all use, scientific publication and/or "coauthorship" if considered necessary by the owners of the data.
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 1000000
- Distance
- 100 mètre
- Language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment description
FME 2013+, Arcgis 10+, Access 2003, VOR, Windows 7
- Begin date
- 2011-12-01T00:00:00
- End date
- 2012-01-29T00:00:00
- Supplemental Information
Metadata in preparation
- Reference system identifier
- 4326
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Complex
- Geometric object count
- 6
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
- Data taken from the following collection and validation protocol : Methodological guide to observing marine mammals and birds in the France’s mainland coastal waters and adjacent areas – PACOMM – SAMM Programme . G.Dorémus et al. 2011.
- The acquisition protocol for this data on these campaigns was implemented thanks to the experience of the team from the PELAGIS observatory gathered over more than 10 years in the field, and notable through the aerial observation campaigns ROMER( 2000-2002), ATLANCET (2003) and SCANS (2005)
- Observations are made from an aeroplane flying over predefined transects at a constant altitude of 600 feet and a speed of 90 knots. Two observers record the environmental conditions and the following observations (at the surface or below the surface):
- Using the strip transect method (200m strips): bird observations
- Using the line transect methods (up to 500m): observations of marine mammals, sharks, rays, bony fish (large fish or shoals of fish) and sea turtles.
- Using the strip transect method: macro waste (200 m strips) and boats (500m strips)
Data is collected and coordinated by the PELAGIS observatory by scientific teams and observers, all of whom are specifically trained in aerial observation protocol for these programmes (identical protocols for REMMOA and SAMM).
Result: SAMM campaigns have made it possible to collect over 20,000 pieces of data of the same type in France’s mainland waters along over 100,000 km of transects.
REMMOA campaigns have made it possible to collect over 55,000 observations of marine megafauna and human activity (waste, vessels and fishing gear) over nearly 205,000 km of transects covered by plane over the sea.
- flyovers in mainland France – SAMM campaign (Aerial Marine Megafauna Monitoring) – are conducted in the context of the PACOMM programme in order to meet community objectives for conservation and the promotion of maritime areas (Natura 2000, MSFD, regional maritime conventions, etc.).
The dataset is made up of two datasets: samm1 for winter 2011and samm2 for summer 2012.
- Description
At least one campaign is attributed to each region of study.
Observers are attributed a campaign and a geographical area. For each sector there are bathymetric strata and transects which are linked to each of these strata (with a few exceptions for the Indian Ocean).
- Definition of sectors: zones corresponding to distinct maritime areas (seaboard, coast, archipelago, etc.)
- Definition of bathymetric strata : areas at the heart of each sector, determined according to bathymetric characteristics such as depth, relief and slope gradient.
- Definition of transects : breakdown of the observation effort between the bathymetric strata was defined according to expected observation rate (available in the literature or from previous unpublished campaigns) in order to obtain a significant number of observations for cetaceans and to make it possible to modify the effort during the campaign according to the real observation rate (increase or decrease of effort. The transects are distributed systematically within the strata.
- Rationale
- Description
Data was acquired during the flights and is also recorded digitally.
Back on land, the data is checked and errors removed. Corresponding codes for species, name, family and genus were verified using the TAXREFv5.0 reference. If need be, species identification is refined using photos taken during the flyovers. Data remains in the initial system of coordinates. Data is acquired within the context of a protocol defined as of acquisition (observers trained) for technical and scientific validation overseen by the PELAGIS observatory.
- Rationale
- Description
On returning from the campaign, the data is subject to technical and scientific checks and revalidation but the experts and the PELAGIS observatory.
The effort is then adjusted and accounted for in order to determine the distribution rate (number of observations/km covered in the effort). Occurrence data is generated and transferred to the INPN portal and stored in the PELAGIS Observatory information System
Data is currently stored in its original format (VOR - Access) and as a Géodatabase file (ESRI 2012).
This is 0 level data, that is to say the most basic level
- Rationale
- Description
Data is subject to automated FME 2013+ quality control.
This is the first level of data, that is to say when it is validated, adjusted and linked to the observations.
- Rationale
- Description
Data is prepared for analysis (labelled effort divided into equal segments, etc.)
Analyses are conducted using R and Distance.
This is the second level of data, that is to say the advanced level. This data format is not made public
- Rationale
- Description
Encounter rates are calculated for each species or group of species (as defined in SAMM 1 & SAMM 2 campaign reports) and for each campaign. These are encounter rates as observation numbers in each mesh of the area studied.
To calculate these rates, the first step is to calculate the observation effort in each mesh. The second step is to calculate the number of observations per effort (not including observation in transit, etc.) obtained in each mesh. The encounter rate is the relationship between the number of observations made over the kilometers of observation effort, brought to 1000km of effort by a simple rule of three.
The number of individuals observed is irrelevant here, we only take into account the number of “contacts” with a species or group of species (that is to say that observation counts as one unit, regardless of whether there is just one animal or hundreds in the group observed).
Rates are calculated according to the taxons for two different resolution levels: a 40 x 40 km mess over all four strata (coastal C, neritic N, slope P and oceanic O), a mesh of 15 x 15 km for the influence of the coastal strata (in this case we take into account the observations and the effort of the coastal strata and the for the proportion of neritic strata which are found in this area). The aim of this second mesh is to present the data in the greatest possible detail in the waters with the greatest number of existing protected marine areas.
- Rationale
- File identifier
- 35372abf-db1b-42ac-be3e-48febec97b85 XML
- Metadata language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Series
- Date stamp
- 2023-10-31T16:50:24.565Z
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115:2003/19139 - SEXTANT
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English French UTF8

Spatial extent
Provided by