Visual Observations from Aerial Platforms- 1. Range
The associated data highlights the spatial influence of the dataset of the type “Visual Observations from an Aerial Platform” from the PELAGIS Observatory.
These ranges represent the different areas of study on which the PELAGIS observatory conducted campaigns of visual observations from aerial platforms.
Each area of study is associated with at least one campaign, with observers and geographical sectors linked to that campaign. Each sector is associated with bathymetric strips and transects related to each of the strips, with a few exceptions for the Indian Ocean region.
Description of fields and values of the attribute tables :
(- field name, meaning : value, description of values)
- region, area of study specific to the PELAGIS observatory PELAGIS : OI/FRM/ AGFR/SOP/SP, region_lbl
- programme, associated programme of which the campaign is a part: REMMOA/PACOMM, REcensement de la Mégafaune Marine par Observation Aérienne/Programme d'Acquisition sur les Oiseaux et Mammifères Marins
- idCampagne, abbreviated name of the data collection campaign: OI/SAMM/ ANT/SOP/PF/GUY, Campagne Océan Indien/Suivi Aérien de la Mégafaune Marine/Sud Ouest Pacifique/Polynésie Française/ Guyane française
- progress, current state of the campaigns, from collection to scientific optimisation : Preparation/Acquisition/ Analysis/Enhancement, campaign being prepared/under acquisition/being analysed/data enhanced within the context of a scientific publication.
- Alternate title
- Date (Creation)
- 2013-03-07
- Citation identifier
- FR_19170032700015_2670_PELAGIS_2013_1_EMPRISES_OVIPA
- Cited responsible party
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role CENTRE DE RECHERCHE MAMMIFERES MARINS / CENTRE DE RECHERCHE MAMMIF. MARINS /CRMM
Point of contact
- Presentation form
- Digital map
- Purpose
To produce an inventory of the spatial distribution and abundance of these species and to assess their spatial and temporal variability in order to provide information for a common reflection on the designation and management of Marine Protected Areas.
General presentation of data of the type “Visual Observations from Aerial Platforms”: the datasets are created by marine flyovers which observe marine birds, marine mammals, other species of pelagic megafauna, and human activity (floating waste, vessels, etc.). This type of data is a collection of many types of datasets: REMMOA Antilles (2008), REMMOA French Guyana (2008), REMMOA OI (2009-2010), REMMOA PF (2011), SAMM1 (winter 2011) and SAMM2 (summer 2012).
- Credit
PELAGIS observatory- UMS 3462 ULR/CNRS, marine protection agency
- Status
- Under development
- Point of contact
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Originator UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Distributor UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Author UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Resource provider UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Custodian UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Custodian UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Principal investigator UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Owner UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
User UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Publisher AAMP
Point of contact AAMP
Owner AAMP
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Irregular
- Maintenance note
Mise à jour de la valeur d'avancement de l'id 2, passage de l'avancement "en cours d'acquisition" à "Analyse".
- Resource format
Name Version ESRI Shapefile
- Stratum
- Place
French West Indies
French Guyana
Indian Ocean Commission
French Polynesia
New Caledonia
- Discipline
Natura 2000 en mer
Protected Marine Area
Habitat directive
Birds directive
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
Species distribution
Sous-regions marines
Cadre Réglementaire - SIMM
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSP)
Habitats Directive (HD)
Birds Directive (BD)
Waste Framework Directive (WaFD)
DCSMM : Descripteurs
D1: Biodiversity
D10: Marine Litter
D1: Birds, Marine Mammals and Turtles
D1: Biodiversité - Mammifères
Thématiques - SIMM
/Environmental Status/Species
- Specific usage
For information only. The range of the aerial observation data only provides records of the progress of the data, from initial processing to scientific publication.
- User contact info
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
- Use limitation
Non commercial use only and on the condition that the source is referenced (at least the name of the data producer) along with the date of the most recent update.
- Access constraints
- Intellectual property rights
- Use constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
Mandatory citation "Observatoire PELAGIS, UMS 3462 ULR/
CNRS, AAMP, 'database name'"
Users must make contact with the data providers prior to all use, scientific publication and/or "coauthorship" if considered necessary by data owners
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment description
FME 2013+; Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcGIS 10+, Access 2003, VOR
- Unique resource identifier
- EPSG:4326
- Topology level
- Geometry only
- Geometric object type
- Complex
- Geometric object count
- 6
- Distribution format
Name Version
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
Fusion of bathymetric strata for all aerial observation campaigns
- Included with dataset
- No
- Feature catalogue citation
- File identifier
- 339f6f3f-5fb0-4d4b-b819-b5d988e6aedd XML
- Metadata language
- Français
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Series
- Date stamp
- 2023-12-11T15:45:45.914Z
- Metadata standard name
ISO 19115:2003/19139 - SEXTANT
- Metadata standard version
- Metadata author
Organisation name Individual name Electronic mail address Role UMS 3462 - Observatoire PELAGIS
Point of contact
- Other language
Language Character encoding English French UTF8